Get rid of stains
A must-have
- Terre de Sommières (a type of clay, perfect to absorb stains)
- Avel Hussard Ink Stain Remover for Leather
- Saphir Réno Mat'
- Suede Eraser
- Saphir Omni Cleaner
Be careful!
Stain removers are aggressive.
You will need to be very careful to avoid discoloring the leather.
Also, use a white cloth, as it is possible that the pigment of the fabrics will penetrate the leather fibers when applying these products... which will result in a pigment stain.
Always do a thorough maintenance and nourish your leather after each of these treatments!
How to know what to use?
Three parameters must be taken into account to effectively remove the stain:
- The type of leather of your shoes
- The nature of the stain
- How long has it been on the leather?
Smooth, grained or greased leather
For an oil or grease stain
- Apply some Terre de Sommières to absorb the grease from the stain.
If the stain is not recent, you can heat it with an iron and put a sheet of paper towel to help absorption.
Do not try to rub! You'll make the stain bigger.
For an ink, pen, felt-tip or marker stain
- Take your Avel Hussard Ink Stain Remover for Leather and, in very small quantities, apply the product with a cotton swab.
This product is very aggressive and can discolor the leather (which is what we are interested in, since the goal is to discolor the ink!). Use it sparingly, in small touches.
Other types of stains
- If you are facing a UFS (unidentified fugly stain), use Saphir Réno Mat'.
To avoid burning the leather, leave it on for only 10 minutes. Reapply if the stain persists, until it disappears.
Suede & Pony Leathers
For suede leathers, try a suede eraser first!
For Pony leather (which is a goat leather, by the way), brush the leather in the direction of the hair, and rub lightly with a damp polishing cloth (or a piece of cotton cloth).
If the stain is really tough, give your shoes a little Saphir Omni Cleaner shampoo.
And if it persists, refer to the method for smooth leather:
- You can try some Terre de Sommières for hard-to-absorb grease stains.
- Avel Hussard Ink Stain Remover for Leather can also be useful if you dropped an ink cartridge on your shoes!
- The Réno Mat' can be a precious ally if you don't know which stain it is, and it keeps sticking to your shoes.
Water stains
These are the whitish sediments that remain after your shoes have dried, regardless of their type of leather.
- To remove them, use a little vinegar cut with water or nourishing milk.
The proportion of vinegar in your mixture should not exceed 50%! This could burn the leather.
Don't forget to use shoe polish or waterproof agents to prevent this from happening again!
When you're satisfied with the results...
Do a complete and thorough maintenance!
The products used here are aggressive to the leather and will surely dry it out during the treatment.
So give your shoes a lot of cream and love to get them off on the right foot!