Why we do Biche Friday?

27 November 2019

Very well. If you are here, you want to see more clearly.

If we continue Biche Friday, the equivalent of Black Friday or Green Friday, it is because this commercial operation is crucial for us.
To understand, we need to explain our business model to you:
Inventory management is the nerve of the war: the more a company has in stock, the more it immobilizes cash. And the more cash a company has, the more it increases the price of its products.

And that doesn't suit us.

Because one of our missions is to offer you high quality models at controlled prices. To achieve this, we are obliged to have a fine control of our stocks.
Unlike brands that fill their endless inventory levels, we do small productions, then occasional restocking when we feel that the model really appeals to you.
On some products we even have a pre-order system, which allows us to precisely determine, in advance, the number of pairs to produce.
But it is not always simple.

Sometimes we bet on models who have trouble finding their audience or sizes are left abandoned.
So much stock that monopolizes cash. We must therefore push these products towards the exit.

That’s why we need business operations like Biche Friday. This allows us to no longer carry stock financially and to recover cash for the next collection.
Cash that we also need to pay the structural charges and compensate our 18 employees, and keep the boat afloat.
We are convinced that reasonable consumption is above all through responsible production: quality raw materials, sourced nearby, assembled by exceptional craftsmen to make shoes made to last.

Last thing: Biche Friday allows us to clean up our business but it also allows us to generate profits. These will be donated to the associations that are important to us. It’s also a way of doing business intelligently.

These associations are:

Sea Shepherd which works for the protection of marine ecosystems and its biodiversity. In addition to producing responsibly, we want to help those who care for it.
And Aide et Action which works for the education of children in France. Because we believe that it is through education that we open up to the world.

We will offer customers of Biche Friday after their purchase, to choose the association in which to pay the profits from the operation.

Here, they seemed important to explain all this to you. If you still have questions, do not hesitate to contact us, we will be happy to discuss with you.

Pied de Biche.

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